
Reflections on Studying the Past – Meddyliau ar Astudio’r Gorffennol

Conflict, Reconstruction and Memory (CRAM) research group.

28-29 June 2021

This workshop will explore debates surrounding the cultural and political uses of monuments, reflecting upon their role in the memorialisation and imagining of the past. It considers artefacts such as war memorials, cenotaphs and public statuary as well as urban sites damaged through war, or locations hallowed through their connection to pivotal events in the past. Attendees will hear from academic speakers as well as practitioners who are (or have been) involved in modern-day campaigns to commission, design, or remove monuments. A programme is attached.

All welcome!

Please register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/contested-histories-creating-and-critiquing-public-monuments-and-memorials-tickets-153947024695

Hanesion Dadleuol: Creu a thrafod henebion a chofebion cyhoeddus mewn oes newydd o eiconoclastiaeth

28-29 Mehefin 2021

Bydd y gweithdy hwn yn archwilio dadleuon ynghylch y ffyrdd y defnyddir cofebion at ddibenion diwylliannol a gwleidyddol , gan fyfyrio ar eu rôl o ran coffau a dychmygu’r gorffennol. Mae’n ystyried arteffactau megis cofebion rhyfel, cofadeiliau a cherfluniaeth gyhoeddus yn ogystal â safleoedd dinesig a gafodd eu difrodi yn ystod rhyfela, neu leoliadau wedi’u cysegru yn sgîl eu cysylltiad â digwyddiadau allweddol yn y gorffennol. Bydd cyfranogwyr yn clywed gan siaradwyr academaidd yn ogystal ag ymarferwyr sy’n rhan (neu a oedd yn rhan) o ymgyrchoedd modern i gomisiynu, dylunio neu gael gwared â chofebion. Atodir rhaglen.

Croeso i bawb!  

Cofrestrwch yma: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/contested-histories-creating-and-critiquing-public-monuments-and-memorials-tickets-153947024695

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